"The Pigeon Panel" was an event curated by Chloé Roubert at the gallery 811 (233 Spadina) in Toronto's Chinatown. With the Chinatown pigeon as a starting point, the event was made up of food, beverages and an inter-disciplinary panel and looked into animal-human relations in urban contexts.

Traditionally Chinese BBQed pigeon (or squab) in 'pigeon-cones' as well as dove-themed cocktails were served ("The Pigeon" for 5$, "The Dove" for 25$ -- same ingredients). The panelists were Mitch Akiyama, a sound artist and scholar, Jayne Wilkinson, a writer, scholar and the director of Prefix ICA in Toronto, and Mark Peck, ornithologist at the Royal Ontario Museum and curator of "Empty Skies: the Passenger Pigeon Legacy;" Chloé Roubert was the mediator.

The curator would like to thank Richview Farms for their squabs and Chinatown's Pho Hung for their cooking.

The 'pigeon-cones' can be found here and a publication based on the event is currently being developed.